Michael Horwitz

My Ideas

Online Learning Platforms

Online Learning Platforms


I’ve recently been experimenting with Learnist an online learning community. At first glance I thought there was no need for such a platform. Why silo discussions and information away from mainstream social media like Fb, Twitter, Youtube and LInkedin? I am starting to see the advantage of a forum dedicated to learning though. On the social media outlets its hard to filter the noise out. Moreover the context in which a post appears can have a significant impact on its reception and understanding.

What do you think the pros and cons of an online forum dedicated to learning are? What are some other good ones?

To snack or not


James J. Kenney does a fine job discussing the health effects of eating 3 meals a day vs. snacking


I would like to see a similar serious discussion of the moral effects of snacking. What does it say about our relationship to food that we eat while doing other things?  Snacking is a solitary activity vs. meals which are social. When and where do we make up that lost social time? Do we lose self discipline by eating whenever we are hungry instead of waiting for meal time?

What do you think?